Ten Essential "Systems" For Hikers

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Ten Essential "Systems" For Hikers

The tried and true list of Ten Essentials was developed by the Seattle-based Mountaineers club, and has been updated since it first originated in the 1930s. It was created to answer two basic questions:

First, can you respond positively to an accident or emergency?

Second, can you safely spend a night or more outdoors?

  1. Navigation (map and compass)
  2. Sun protection (sunglasses, sunscreen and lip balm with sunscreen)
  3. Insulation (wear several thin layers of clothing to adapt to temperature and weather changes as needed)
  4. Illumination (headlamp/flashlight)
  5. First-aid supplies (small first aid kit for when you or others fall, trip, burn, or bleed)
  6. Fire (waterproof matches/lighter/candles)
  7. Repair kit and tools (e.g. multipurpose knife, small amount of duct tape)
  8. Nutrition (extra food to help maintain energy levels)
  9. Hydration (extra water is essential in Utah's dry and high elevation)
  10. Emergency Shelter (e.g. emergency space blanket or tube tent)


Photo by Spencer Gurley Films