Campfire Stories: The Teeny Tiny Woman

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Campfire Stories: The Teeny Tiny Woman

Little kids love the silliness of this teeny tiny spooky story!  Use a mysterious voice to say the words "Give me my bone". Be sure to use a teeny tiny squeaky voice to speak the last two words - and say them quickly and abruptly so that your listeners jump.

The Teeny Tiny Woman

The Story

Once upon a time there was a teeny tiny woman. She lived in a teeny tiny house at the edge of a teeny tiny woods.

One day the teeny tiny woman decided to go for a teeny tiny walk.

She put her teeny tiny basket over her teeny tiny arm and started out. She went out her teeny tiny door, down her teeny tiny sidewalk, out her teeny tiny gate and along the teeny tiny path.

Soon she came to a teeny tiny graveyard. She decided to go in and look at the teeny tiny gravestones.

On top of one of the teeny tiny gravestones was a teeny tiny bone.

“I am going to take that teeny tiny bone home with me,” said the teeny tiny woman. “I will use it to make a teeny tiny pot of soup for my teeny tiny supper.”

The teeny tiny woman picked up the teeny tiny bone and put it in her teeny tiny basket.

She left the teeny tiny graveyard and headed back up the teeny tiny path to her teeny tiny house.

She went in the teeny tiny gate and up the teeny tiny sidewalk and in her teeny tiny door.

She was a teeny tiny bit tired, so she decided to take a teeny tiny nap. She went into her teeny tiny bedroom and put the teeny tiny bone in her teeny tiny cupboard. Then she lay down on her teeny tiny bed.

She was just dropping off to sleep when she heard from the teeny tiny cupboard a teeny tiny voice saying, “Give me my bone!

The teeny tiny woman was a teeny tiny bit frightened, so she hid her teeny tiny head under her teeny tiny covers.

But then she heard the teeny tiny voice again - and this time it was a teeny tiny bit louder: “Give me my bone!

The teeny tiny woman was a teeny tiny bit more frightened, so she hid her head under her teeny tiny pillow.

And then she heard the teeny tiny voice again. This time it was a teeny tiny bit louder: “Give me my bone!

The teeny tiny woman was a teeny tiny bit more frightened. She stuck her head out of the covers, and said in her loudest teeny tiny voice, “TAKE IT!


Photos Courtesy: 

Photo by Valeriia Miller:

Photo by Erik Mclean:

Photo by Iakub Arifulin: